Integrative psychiatric medication and psychotherapy 

Bipolar disorder requires psychiatric treatment as soon as possible and generally requires psychiatric medication treatment.  With proper psychiatric treatment, most people with bipolar disorder can reach a stable state. However, because bipolar disorder is a recurring life-long illness, long-term preventive psychotherapy is necessary.

Oftentimes, those with bipolar disorder may abuse alcohol and drugs to self medicate the extreme swings in their moods.  It is important to treat both the addiction problem and the disorder at the same time.  

At Mind Therapy Clinic, we integrate addiction treatment in the psychiatric medication and psychotherapy treatments to ensure the symptoms are addressed holistically to expedite the journey to recovery and wellness.

Read more about our Addiction Treatment.

Bipolar disorder diagnosis and treatment

People with bipolar disorder experience extreme mood swings of manic highs and depressive lows. Learn more about manic depression and treatment here. Typically, it develops during the adolescent or young adult years, and can cause severe depression to a manic state with abnormally increased energy and wildly unrealistic thinking.  In its most severe forms, one may even become psychotic.  For information on bipolar psychosis, read about psychosis and psychotic disorder.  Individuals with bipolar disorder don't always present with severe symptoms at first and because people using drugs and alcohol may behave similarly as those exhibiting manic type symptoms, it is sometimes hard to detect. Left untreated, however, milder symptoms can become progressively more severe and dangerous.   

EEG Technology-assisted diagnosis and treatment 

  • Psychiatric evaluation assessed by a psychiatrist.

  • rEEG analysis to guide diagnosis and medication treatment.

  • Continued treatment even during periods when you feel better. People who skip maintenance treatment are at high risk of a relapse of symptoms or having minor mood changes turn into full-blown mania or depression.

  • Intensive outpatient (day) treatment programs to provide the support and counseling while you get symptoms under control.

  • Substance abuse treatment for those with problems with alcohol or drugs. Without treatments for co-occurring problems, it can be very difficult to manage bipolar disorder.

  • Psychotherapy to stabilize mood swings.

  • Certain natural supplementation treatments if appropriate.

  • Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) when medical treatments are resistant.

Psychotherapy treatments

There are now a number of psychotherapy treatments available to treat severe mood swings. It has been shown that psychotherapy can lead to increased mood stability, fewer hospitalizations and improved functionality of the client. In some cases, family members can benefit from psychotherapy as well. These types of treatments include:

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)

  • CBT helps people with bipolar disorder learn to change inappropriate or negative thought patterns and behavior.

 Psychotherapy and education

  • Therapy and education that aims at teaching people who are bipolar and their family about the illness and how to recognize signs of relapse. This is especially important so they can seek early intervention and possibly avoid a severe episode of mania or depression.

Family therapy 

  • Therapy with family helps clients and family members manage the stress that is often experienced within the family of those suffering from bipolar disorder.

Concerned about your loved one?  

People with bipolar disorder may not realize they have a problem, or aware but avoid getting help.  If you think a friend or family member may need help, encourage them to talk to a psychiatrist or other mental health expert who can look into what’s going on and guide them toward a treatment.  Don't be discouraged by your friend or family member's avoidance behavior.  Offer your support, and be there for them to open up to you.  It takes an expert to diagnose it, and if it is bipolar disorder, or another mental illness, treatment can help.  

If you are unsure, take a quick bipolar test to see if you seek further help.